
TriPollar DESIRE RF射頻時光機 美容儀

Original price was: $3,580.00.Current price is: $1,580.00.

⭐2022年新款!最新Turbo RF射頻技術!








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🔶在強大而有效的多重射頻技術的基礎上,DESIRE採用了專門為該設備創造的創新Turbo RF渦輪功能,有助於更快、更有效的射頻治療,保證皮膚更豐滿、更年輕,皺紋明顯減少,第一次使用就有專業效果!

🔶TriPollar DESIRE提供至今最有效的純射頻治療,讓您立即獲得審美效果,並獲得持久的自然效果。

🔶專為TriPollar DESIRE設計的Turbo RF功能有助於高效治療,對組織進行快速、集中的射頻加熱,通過熱映射算法使其更加量身定做。這款TriPollar設備將射頻能量送入皮膚真皮層,自然形成膠原蛋白和修復彈性蛋白,從第一次使用開始就能達到提升、平滑和豐滿的效果。

🔶用戶可以享受到減少皺紋、調理和修飾面部特征,以及豐滿和緊致下垂的皮膚的效果。定期使用TriPollar DESIRE可以有效地消除衰老的痕跡。

🔶Introducing the newest innovation in RF anti-ageing home treatments, the TriPollar DESIRE.

Building on the powerful and effective Multi-RF technology, the DESIRE uses an innovative turbo function created specifically for this device which contributes to a faster and more effective RF treatment yet, guaranteeing more plumped, youthful skin with visibly reduced wrinkles with professional results from the first use.

🔶Get professional results faster than ever.

The TriPollar DESIRE offers the most efficient pure RF treatment yet, giving you aesthetic results both immediately and with lasting natural outcomes.

The Turbo function specifically designed for the TriPollar DESIRE contributes to highly effective treatment with fast, focused RF heating of the tissue, made more tailored by the Thermal Mapping Algorithm. This TriPollar device delivers RF energy into the dermis skin layer to naturally build collagen and repair elastin for a lifted, smoothed, and plumped effect from the very first use.

🔶Users enjoy a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, toning and refining of facial features, and plumping and tightening of sagging skin. Using the TriPollar DESIRE regularly can effectively erase the signs of ageing.

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